If you´re looking for new results, to achieve something you’d never achieved before, then look beyond the single tasks that needs to be done and get a huge picture of your vision.
We are used to dream small. How often haven´t we heard people tell us “Don’t have too big dreams that will only disappoint you” or “Focus on what you can and try to your best”… Really!? The whole thing with having dreams, visions, wanting to achieve something, to accomplish more in life is to strive for something bigger than you have today. So what is the point of dreaming if you can´t make that dream become your life vision?
I recently heard a great podcast about how to achieve the most, in the least amount of time, at the best of your potential and let me here put it down together with my best advices:
- Do you want to reach new heights? Stopp doing the easy stuff and start doing the things that lead to results. The easy, the fun stuff, save them for later.
- Challenge yourself to think big! The fear of doing something new usually puts the stick in the wheel and we stick to what we know, but to reach new cool results we need to go far beyond the fear and challenge it.
- Create rules and routines that hold you accountable. Rules that every day reminds you about your mission and what you can do to move forward. Avoid choices during the day where you lose focus.
- Who did it before you? Find a strong and inspiring role model and ask yourself this question “What would she/he do today to accomplish result?”
- Ask for help! If it would be easy then anyone could do it. The most successful persons are the one seeking for information and reaching out to others. But care about your relationships and do not take advantage of your closest friends. Ask yourself “Who do I know, that knows someone, that knows”
- Change your attitude. You cannot achieve new results if you remain the same person you were yesterday. We often believe that results come from our actions, but it really starts with our attitude, how you look at yourself and your willingness to make a change.
Achieve the most, in the least of time and reach your full potential through a great strategy, consistent work and a strong inner motivation.